Sciatica Risk Factors


Sciatica is a term used for a group of symptoms that occur when the sciatic nerve is compressed. This compression is typically due to a herniated disc, overgrowth of a bone, or certain medical conditions. While sciatica can happen to anyone, there are a few factors that increase a person’s risk. Dr. Goozdich and our team at Tukee Lifestyle Chiropractic in the Foothills of Arizona have put together a guide to some of the common risk factors for sciatica.


Age plays a role in the health of the spine – especially if physical activity has decreased. Changes like bone spurs and narrowing discs that often come with age have been known to lead to sciatica.

Poor Posture

Poor posture can lead to a variety of issues. When you are not keeping your spine in a neutral position as you walk, sit, or stand, it can lead to muscle tension, misalignment, and more – all of which can put pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Physical or Sedentary Work

If you work a job that requires a great deal of lifting or twisting your spine, you are at a higher risk of sustaining spinal injuries. This can also be the case if you sit at a desk for long periods. While you’re not being physical, it also means you’re not stretching or moving your spine. Instead, you are potentially compressing each component of the spinal column.

Diabetes and Smoking

Both smoking and diabetes cause issues with your blood circulation, prolong recovery and damage your nerves. Additionally, smoking dehydrates your body, including your discs, making them more susceptible to herniation.


When you carry extra weight, it puts extra, undue pressure on the spine. This can lead to misalignment, disc herniation, sciatica, and more.

Contact Our Chiropractor in Ahwatukee, AZ

Whether you have already developed sciatica or would like to address the risk factors in your life to prevent it, Dr. Goozdich and our team at Tukee Lifestyle Chiropractic can help. Schedule an appointment in the Foothills of Arizona by calling us today at (480) 912-4040 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.

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